Sunday 13 February 2011

Valentines Videorama

Today is Valentines day so here are some alternative Valentine style videos for you to check out... We also have the Tuckshop Valentine special for your ears as well....

Badly Drawn Boy - Once around the Block

Based on a true story, these young lovers tell a cautionary tale of bad dentistry.

Daft Punk - Da Funk

It's your classic Spike Jonze fairy tale - Dog moves to the big city, meets his unrequited childhood sweetheart, gets kicked off a bus.... but does he get the girl?

Daft Punk - Fresh

Francis did get the girl!

The white stripes - Fell in love with a girl

Michel Gondry lego loving masterpiece.

Travis - coming around

Another heartfelt tale of the trials and tribulations of an giant egg unable to meet the girl of his dreams.

Weezer - Keep fishin

Miss Piggy prefers drummers and is determined to get her man.

Melodica, Melody and me - Piece me back together

Brixton folksteppers with full hearts and sweet melodies.

Ben Lee - Pop Queen
A young Ben Lee sings dreams of ideal women.

Gnarls Barkley - Gone Daddy Gone

A tragic love affair between a bug and a woman.

Gnarls Barkley - Gone Daddy Gone from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

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