Monday 6 December 2010

A quick exchange with Dead Zebbra

Dead Zebbra
make the type of music that would make your parents cover thier ears and ask you to turn down when listening through the stereo in your bedroom. Their songs are loud, fast and will put the fear into most old people, scaring all members of the local neighbourhood watch . They're also pretty amenable and seemed happy to talk to Tuckshop Community Radio about Horse Shoes (local high end cuisine ), their home town and Nintendo characters.

So Dead Zebbra could you please introduce yourselves to us?

We're Dead Zebbra, a three piece hard rock band from the U.S.A that started in the spring of 2008. Our main influences are Nirvana and Led Zeppelin. We got sick of all the "rock" that was on the radio and decided we needed to do something to save it. Our original bassist Matt left in the summer of 09 was replaced by some fill in bassists and eventually the spot was taken by Amanda Radford.
Nathan Leinberger(guitar, vocals) and Kyle Wells(drums) are original founding members.
We recorded our first album "Peachy Keen" in early 2009...and we are still trying to release it. We are currently recording an EP. Also we toured the east coast of the U.S in June 2010 and are planning more tours in the Spring and Summer of 2011

Where do you guys live and what's it like?
We live in Springfield Illinois, but we all grew up in small towns outside of Springfield. Springfield has high crime and high unemployment. There's nothing to do and little future for people here. Its hot and overly humid in the summer and colder than a witch's titty in the winter.

If you were playing on a Nintendo and you were magically pulled into the game, what character would you like to be and why?

Nathan:Hmmm, that's a good question. I think maybe the dog from Duck Hunt. I would like to laugh at peoples failures.
Amanda: Legend Of Zelda. I'd be Link because he has a cool sword and an awesome costume.
Kyle: Mario Cart, I would be Bowser, because man...he's gnarly.

Why are you guys called Dead Zebbra?
Nathan: one night after having a few too many beers, I was watching the show Man VS Wild and he was in Africa and looking for something to eat. He came upon a dead zebra but kept pronouncing it Zeb Bra. Being drunk I thought this was a good name. The next day at practice I thought it was stupid, but suggested it anyway...oddly, they liked it and it stuck.

As a child I once went to Twycross Zoo and saw an animal that was a cross between a Zebra and a horse, it looked like a brown and black Zebra, do you know what that animal is called? have you ever seen any strange animals?

Nathan: Of coarse! That's a Zorse...its what Zorro rides. I think Michael Jackson is the strangest animal Ive ever seen.
Kyle: An Alligator Gar is pretty weird
Amanda: An Okapi, a half horse/zebra that lives in Africa. A Frilled-neck Lizard is the weirdest thing Ive seen.

Besides yourself ,who are the three musical artists we should check out after reading this interview?
Bands you should check out...Soy City Stranglers from Decatur Illinois,
The Black Clouds from New Jersey and Oblivion from Minnesota.

What was the last thing you watched on the television? what was it about?
Amanda: 1000 Ways To Die, it was about a bunch of people dying in absurd ways.
Nathan: The Templar Code on the History channel. It was about the Knights Templar.
Kyle: The First 48...Its a crime scene investigation show.

Tuckshop Community Radio loves music, but we also love food what is your favourite food?
Amanda: Fried Chicken.
Nathan: Springfield has its own dish. Its called a Horse Shoe. You have a piece of toast on bottom, then a Hamburger, although you can put almost anything on chicken or fish. Then you put a bunch of fries on top of that and smother the whole thing in cheese sauce. Its the shit.
Kyle: TACOS!!

What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen at a gig?
Nathan: This band called The Sex Zombies from New Jersey throw tampons out into the crowd.
Kyle: Yeah the Sex Zombies show. The singer/guitarist put one of the tampons in his beer and drank it.
Amanda: The light shows.

Can you please describe Dead Zebbra in one sentence?

Nathan: We've been soaked in mud, cleaned in bleach and coated in an addictive sugary substance for your enjoyment.

On a scale of one to infinity how much do you like Tuckshop Community Radio?

Nathan: After all the planets align and this world is destroyed and all that remains of Earth are the radio signals...we will still be listening.

Dead Zebbra can be found on their myspace page here.

To listen to Tuckshop Community Radio just tune in here


rashid1891 said...

Dead Zebbra play the type of music that your parents would ask you to turn down when listening in your bedroom. Their songs are loud, fast and will put the fear into most old people. They're also pretty amenable and seemed happy to talk to Tuckshop Community Radio about Horse Shoes (local high end cuisine ), their home town and Nintendo characters.

What is this all about? said...

Nice!! Good to see DZ gettin' some love from overseas!

Unknown said...

Dead Zebbra fuckin' rocks, Definitely worth checking out! So do it now, Fuckers!