Wednesday 4 March 2009

Interview with Tijuana Panthers

If you're reading this and am from the Long Beach area, then the chances are that you're familiar with the Tijuana Panthers, for those however who have yet to be converted, These guys are a fine slice of West Coast living, promoting the all too easy lifestyle of surf, sea, sand and sleek hair cuts. A sound that has been happily filtering through my ipod all week as I battle through the London crowds to and from my place of work.

We may be miles apart, whilst I have Hampstead Heath, these guys have The Hole, but a mutual affection for Kentish Towns proudest Children Kitty, Daisy and Lewis, bonds us before they agree to devote a few minutes out of their lazy afternoon to answer some questions, which I pick straight from the "what to ask bands from California" handbook

First things first, Tijuana Panthers is an interesting name, does it mean anything?

My neighbor Max is an older guy that has had some tough living. Once he gave me this porcelain panther to fix and told me and a couple of friends the story behind it. He said he was down in Tijuana in the 70’s and bought it on the street. As he was walking down the street a man started coming towards him, real close like. So Max decided to pull his shiv out of his boot and stabbed him. He didn’t say what happened after that, I think he just ran, he was all hopped up on pills. So we named the band after that panther, I actually still have it too.

Where are you guys from? and what's the best thing about your hood?

Long Beach, CA… it’s a Port City.

Do you guys surf? if so where is your favourite spot?

Yes. The Hole

The Hole!, that sounds pretty ominous, Once when I was surfing back near my homeland in Cornwall, I had an interesting experience with a Seal, Have you ever come to face to face with one? Have you ever seen a great white shark?

No, I had a student show me a video on his phone of him with a baby seal cuddling on his lap, it was crazy.

I visited California in September of last year and got seriously addicted to Pumpkin pancakes. I've tried endlessly since to recreate them back at home, but have only succeeded in producing an orange mush that sticks like plaster to my pan, do you guys have any tips?

My mom makes the best Banana Pancakes very Saturday morning still to this day.

perhaps she can help me then with that particular problem!
Are there any British bands you guys are into at the moment?

Pete Doherty, Lady Sovereign (And Kitty Daisy and Lewis)

Anyone or anything you recommend we should check out from your native land?

The Soft Pack, Wounded Lion, Christmas Island, The Strange Boys

And if weve got a few spare moments, Where can we next see you?

maybe Fuel TV this month on the Daily Habit or catch Chad working the late shift at Shorehouse cafe

but I really want one of your records, how can I get hold of one?

We have 7” coming out this month that you will be able to pick up off our myspace. We sell our EP on myspace and mail them out. You can also get it on the online at itunes

Back to more important issues, I see you've written a song about getting a crew cut, was this a pleasurable experience?

Chad use to have a Flat top all through Junior High and High School, I think it served him well.

Chad does have great hair, but in your opinion which man has the greatest haircut?


So What is your favourite male hair cut?

Flat Top

Good Choice!

Please check out the Tijuana Panthers here....

And catch a load of their awesome video "Crew cut" below

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